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We Would Like You to Consider to Answer a Few Questions Which Will Help You to Understand the Underlying Concepts That We Try to Convey to Our Visitors of This Website. We Hope That You Will Understand Very Constructive Concepts of Our Website and of "A Young Adult Srory Volume 1 and Volume 2' by Answering the Questions in Our Feedback Form. Thank You For Visiting Our Website. We Hope That You Will Consider Reading Our Books as Well. |
Understanding Our Goals!! |
- God plays a loving role in the process of educating all of our students.
- God feels satisfaction when the goals of our educators and students are achieved.
- Our students are more likely to succeed when God plays a role in their lives.
- Educators have an obligation to encourage our students to seek help from our Supreme Being when they need guidance and support the most.
- God wants to work with educators to help students to turn failures into success stories.
- All educators and students eventually answer to God.
- All government programs that assist our students must make it easy for God to intervene in the way that He intervenes in our His students’ lives.
- Students should be encouraged to explore their relationships with God.
- We can only expect success for our students from their education.
- Our entire Human Family celebrates the successes of our students’ educations.
Understanding Our Mission!! |
- We must help students to find the God that exists in their lives.
- We must help students to deal with raging hormones responsibly.
- We must help students to understand how to reject all types of substance abuses.
- Abusing tobacco is unacceptable to children and to young adults.
- Abusing illegal drugs is unacceptable to children and to young adults.
- Abusing alcohol is unacceptable to children and to young adults.
- Using weapons is unacceptable to children and to young adults.
- All our children and young adults should be trained to deal with Criminal Justice Issues.
- All our children and young adults should receive extensive Family Planning Training.
- All our children and young adults should receive extensive Psychological and Psychiatric Treatment if needed to stop them from harming themselves and/or from harming others.
Understanding Our Achievements!!! |
- To help students to understand the role of God in their lives.
- To help students to work with God to achieve success as students.
- To help our students to understand the role that the Holy Spirit plays in their lives.
- To discourage students to turn away from a life of illegal drugs.
- To discourage students from ever being addicted to alcohol, smoking, weapons, and/or illegal drugs.
- To make sure that all students will graduate from programs that will offer them respectable jobs.
- To help students to achieve the destiny that God has chosen for each of them.
- To help students to achieve the highest level of status that God expects from each of them.
- To work with God to be a productive part of Humanity for his or her entire life.
- To always avoid arrests, indictments, convictions, and incarcerations by being constructive components of God’s Human Family for the entire duration of their lives as human beings.
Please Begin Answering the Questions of Our Feedback Form Below at Your Convenience. |
Thank You for Visiting our Website!!! |
God Loves Our Students Beyond Our Imagination. We Cannot Understand the Suffering That God Endures When When His Beloved Children and Young Adults Must Face Conflict and Suffering in Our Schools. Our Website and Feedback Form Are Designed to Help Educators, Parents, and Students about How Much God Cares about His Students. |
We Must Work With God To Save Our Students' Lives Both In Their Schools and In Their Private Lives. We Must Help Our Students To Go To God For Help and Assistance When They Think That They Have Run Out of Options in Trying To Find Solutions To Their Problems. |
We must Help Our Students To Find the Love of God That Can Help Them To Find The One True God That Exists In Their Lives. This Is the God That Created Them and Brought Them Into the World with Their Their Parents. God Will Help Our Students To Find a Final Salvation if We Can Work With God To Achieve Such a Beautiful Goal In Our Lives. God Loves Our Students and We All Know That Our Students Will Be Victorious Over their Problems and tragedies. |
We All Engage In Daily Prayers for God So That He May Forgive Us For What We Have Done Wrong In Our Lives. We Hope That God Will God Will Give Our Students a Final Salvation. We hope that Our Our Conflicts with Others and Our Conflict With God Will End. May God Bless All of You and All of Our Students. |
Please Time to Fill Out Our Feedback Form and to Submit it To Us. We greatly appreciate all of the Opinions and Views of Our Visitors. Thank you Taking the Time the Time to Help Us to How You Feel About God and His Relationship with Concepts about Education. Thank You and May God Bless You and Your Loved Ones. |
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Please Take the Time To View Our Arguments On Our Sister Websites!!! |
AGodandHumanityBook.Com |
GravityTheories.Com |
- We must work with each other as brothers and sisters in order to achieve a final Universal Attachment between Ourselves and God.
- We must come to understand that we are all part of one Human Nation which is the Nation of Humanity.
- God did not create us to face incarceration for the rest of our lives.
- We must understand that existing in God’s Universe is a privilege and that we must respect God by not being a threat to ourselves and or a threat to others.
- We must show remorse to God and to Humanity whenever we have injured and caused pain and suffering for God and for our brothers and sisters in our lives and throughout God’s Human Family.
We must all face God together as a family whose all of its members will love each other and will love God.
We must all understand the importance of communicating with God on a daily basis in order to be able to receive His guidance and to fulfill His will for Us.
- We need to seek psychiatric treatment when we detect or when others detect when we have become a either a threat to ourselves and/or a threat to others because of a psychiatric illness.
- We must work with psychiatry to conquer our inner demons so that we can live in peace with God and with the Holy Spirit so that we can achieve a final lasting peace with each other that will be free of achieving incarceration.
- Achieving incarceration should be a goal that none of us should ever want to achieve in front of God and in front of our brothers and sisters of God's Human Family.
- We must come to understand gravity and electromagnetism if we are going to proceed to achieve higher levels of scientific accomplishment.
- We msuts work to build reusable spaceships that maintain humane living coditions for its astornauts and occupants.
- Reusable spaceships should be powered by Clean Energy Generators that would provide enough long-term power to take our astronauts to their destination and to bring them home while practically guaranteeing their safety.
- We must show God and the Holy Spirit remorse for the ways that we have led them to suffer because of our need to injure ourselves and to injure others.
- We need to prove to God and to the Holy Spirit that we love each other and the we no longer want to hurt each other as part of the way that we want to get the authorization to build our Solar Spaceship.
We must achieve an Attachment to God in order to find ways to work to make our efforts to explore space safe and successful for all of our astronauts and other space travelers.
- We cannot forget that God and the Holy Spirit will be guiding us when we try to build our Solar Spaceship.
The most important role of scientists in our lives is to increase our standard of living and to help us to realize how important it is to love each other and how to love God.
- We must believe that we will achieve a better existence for ourselves and for our our children and for our grandchildren through the development of Clean Energy.
Please Click Any of The Two Links Below to Visit Our Sister Websites. |
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